Sunday, October 28, 2018

District 3

Quick Picks Marked in BLUE

State Senator District 3

-Don Cheatham, R
-Patrick Lippert, D

State Representative District 3 Position A

-Ron Mendive, R

State Representative District 3 Position B

-Tony Wisniewski, R
-Dan Hanks, D

Kootenai County Commissioner District 1

-Bill Brooks, R

Kootenai County Commissioner District 3

-Leslie Duncan, R
-Ruben Miranda, D

Kootenai County Clerk

-Jim Brannon, R

-Dan Gookin, I

Kootenai County Treasurer

-Steve Matheson, R

Kootenai County Assessor

-Rich Houser, R

Kootenai County Coroner

-Warren Keene, R

Voter Resources

Kootenai County Clerk's Website

District 2

Quick Picks Marked in BLUE

State Senator District 2

-Steve Vick, R
-Shaun Luoma, Lib

-Dale Broadsword, D

State Representative District 2 Position A

-Vito Barbieri, R
-Maria Andrews, D

State Representative District 2 Position B

-John Green, R
-Alanna Brooks, D

Kootenai County Commissioner District 1

-Bill Brooks, R

Kootenai County Commissioner District 3

-Leslie Duncan, R
-Ruben Miranda, D

Kootenai County Clerk

-Jim Brannon, R

-Dan Gookin, I

Kootenai County Treasurer

-Steve Matheson, R

Kootenai County Assessor

-Rich Houser, R

Kootenai County Coroner

-Warren Keene, R

Voter Resources

Kootenai County Clerk's Website

District 4

Quick Picks Marked in BLUE

State Senator District 4

-Mary Souza, R
-Cory Jane English, D

State Representative District 4 Position A

-Jim Addis, R
-Rebecca Schroeder, D

State Representative District 4 Position B

-Paul Amador, R
-Shem Hanks, D

Kootenai County Commissioner District 1

-Bill Brooks, R

Kootenai County Commissioner District 3

-Leslie Duncan, R
-Ruben Miranda, D

Kootenai County Clerk

-Jim Brannon, R

-Dan Gookin, I

Kootenai County Treasurer

-Steve Matheson, R

Kootenai County Assessor

-Rich Houser, R

Kootenai County Coroner

-Warren Keene, R

Voter Resources

Kootenai County Clerk's Website

Districts 1 & 7

State Senator District 1

-Jim Woodward, R
-Vera Gadman, D

State Representative District 1 Position A

-Heather Scott, R
-Ellen Weissman, D

State Representative District 1 Position B

-Sage Dixon, R
-Stephen Howlett, D

State Senator District 7

-Carl Crabtree (R)

State Representative District 7 Position A

-Priscilla Giddings

State Representative District 7 Position B

-Paul Shepherd

County Commissioner District 1

-Steven Bradshaw, R
-Steve Johnson, D

County Commissioner District 3

-Dan McDonald, R
-Steve Lockwood, D

County Clerk

-Michael Rosedale

County Treasurer

-Cheryl Piehl

County Assessor

-Donna Gow, R
-Wendel Bergman, I

Voter Resources

Bonner County Voter Registration & Polling Places

Idaho Votes. Check the Idaho Secretary of State's official voting info site for details on voter registration and how to vote, at

- Check to see you're registered: Am I Registered?

- Not registered? Do it right now: Register Online

- Find where you vote on Election Day: Where Do I Vote?

Polling locations. View the compiled list of Bonner County 2018 precincts and polling locations.

Precinct map. See color-coded location of voting precincts in Bonner County on the enlargeable 2018 Voter Precinct Map.

Bonner County Elections. Click for the Bonner County Clerk's County Elections page.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Idaho November 6, 2018 General - Voter's Guide

I want to start out by saying that this voter’s guide is just that - a guide. Nothing I say or do not say should be taken as gospel and nothing says your vote must be the same as my vote.

I put this out there because it’s a way to help others who aren’t hopeless political nerds without a life. I spend a lot of time researching and reading to come up with these suggestions and present them to you with the belief that these are the best options we have.

My purpose in writing this is so that you can have the resources and knowledge you need to make an informed vote based on Biblical and Constitutional principles.

If we disagree on one point or another, that is simply because we are human. And humans make errors. It should not drive a wedge between friends or cause relations to become strained.

Instead, it should motivate us to learn, study, and become better people. People who have all the facts, not just the facts we like. People who love our fellow flawed humans so much that we treat them like we would want to be treated. People that cling to Biblical principles no matter what.

If we focus on unchanging principles instead of ever-changing people, we will stay on the right track.

Now, before we get started, you should not be casting a vote unless you understand what is the purpose and proper role of government. Voting is a duty and a responsibility and it should not be done unless you understand what you’re voting for and why. So before we get to the voter’s guide, please check out this article. You’ll thank me later.

On another note, I just have to say...several very important elections in the May 2018 primary did not go how I was hoping. At all.

Some of the choices on this guide are not choices that I like. However, with the way our election system works, sometimes we are confronted with a choice between bad and worse. This can be extremely frustrating. However, at the end of the day, it should result in two things -

#1 - We should be even more motivated to be involved in the primary process.
In a Red state like Idaho, the biggest difference we can make is in the primary. However, year after year, primary turnout is abysmally low compared to general elections.

Don’t like the choices on the general election ballot? Complaining about it now is complaining about water under the bridge. We need to work hard to make sure that next primary, we have good candidates to choose from who have all the support they need to win.

Then in November, we’ll all be much happier about the ballot we have.

#2 - We should be even more watchful and vigilant of those in office.
Here I am specifically talking about Brad Little and Jim Woodward, two candidates who did not get my vote in the primary. While they may be better than their Democratic opponent, in many ways they are far worse than the other options we had during the primary.

For example, in the case of Jim Woodward, there is very little evidence to make one believe that he will vote correctly when it comes to pro-life issues. It will be our responsibility to insure that he feels the pressure of his constituents any time this issue is being addressed.

With this in mind, we cannot vote, go home, say we’ve done our duty, then ignore politics until the next election rolls around. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

Keep careful watch over the actions that politicians take in office. Because once it is time for re-election, they are desperately hoping you were not paying attention.

With that, here is the 2018 General Election Voter’s Guide:

Oh! And remember to SHARE this if you find it helpful!

Quick Picks:

(Picks marked in BLUE. Scroll down for Detailed Explanations of my picks)

Idaho Proposition 1  
the Authorize Betting on Historical Horse Races Initiative

A yes vote is a vote in favor of this measure to legalize the use of video terminals for betting on historical horse races, also known as instant racing. 
A NO vote is a vote against this measure to legalize the use of video terminals for betting on historical horse races, also known as instant racing.
(Explanation: Casino style gambling is illegal per the Idaho State Constitution. From everything that I have seen and read, this proposition is trying to give gambling a legal foot in the door in Idaho. Beyond that, there is strong reason to believe that this proposition will cause a lot of legal battles that will end up costing the state (read: “you and me”) a lot of money. Therefore, it makes sense to vote NO on Prop. 1.)
Idaho Proposition 2 
the Medicaid Expansion Initiative
A yes vote is a vote in favor of expanding Medicaid eligibility to those under sixty-five years old, whose income is 133 percent of the federal poverty level or below and who are not eligible for other state insurance coverage. 
A NO vote is a vote against expanding Medicaid eligibility to those under sixty-five years old, whose income is 133 percent of the federal poverty level or below and who are not eligible for other state insurance coverage.
(Explanation: According to Right to Life Idaho: “Medicaid presently covers contraceptive services under the Idaho state plan. With Medicaid Expansion, thousands more women will have access to contraceptives through Planned Parenthood, as Planned Parenthood is eligible to receive Medicaid funds. Many of these contraceptives known as the “morning after” or “emergency contraceptive drugs” are potential abortion-causing drugs—otherwise known as abortifacients.”
There is a reason this proposition is nearly unanimously supported by left-wing liberals who embrace the murder that Planned Parenthood commits on a daily basis. For this reason and many more, vote NO on Prop. 2.

Tons more info on Prop. 2 can be found HERE.)

U.S. Representative District 1

-Russ Fulcher, R
-Christina McNeil, D


-Lt. Gov. Brad Little, R
-Paulette E. Jordan, D

Lieutenant Governor

-Janice McGeachin, R
-Kristin Collum, D

State Attorney General

-Lawrence Wasden, R
-Bruce S. Bistline, D

Secretary of State

-Lawrence Denney, R
-Jill Humble, D

State Controller

-Brandon Woolf

State Treasurer

-Julie Ellsworth, R

Superintendent of Public Instruction

-Sherri Ybarra, R
-Cindy Wilson, D

The Guide Continues!

Click your district below for the rest:

-Quick Picks for Districts 1 & 7-

Don't Know What District You Are In?

Click HERE

Voter Resources

Bonner County Voter Registration & Polling Places

Idaho Votes. Check the Idaho Secretary of State's official voting info site for details on voter registration and how to vote, at

- Check to see you're registered: Am I Registered?

- Not registered? Do it right now: Register Online

- Find where you vote on Election Day: Where Do I Vote?

Polling locations. View the compiled list of Bonner County 2018 precincts and polling locations.

Precinct map. See color-coded location of voting precincts in Bonner County on the enlargeable 2018 Voter Precinct Map.

Bonner County Elections. Click for the Bonner County Clerk's County Elections page.