Saturday, February 27, 2016

The President's Job and the Role of Government

If you want to vote, then you’ve come to the right place.
Now, most people sadly don’t know our founding documents. And since they don’t know these documents, the don’t know what is the president’s actual job description or what is the purpose of government. And since they don’t know that, America elected Barack Obama. Twice.
-The President’s Job
Washington's 1st Inauguration
Let me first educate you on the job of the president as explained in the Constitution (which, by the way, is the supreme law of the land). Whoever we elect as president will take a constitutionally required oath. That oath reads as follows -
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

There you have it in simple English. The president’s job is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
So, let’s say you were a business owner looking to hire a basket weaver. What qualifications would you look for? Obviously, you would pass over the candidates who didn’t know how to weave and search for those who had experience weaving. You wouldn’t choose the construction worker if you could select a person who had a PHD in “The Fine Art of Weaving”. The job description (basket weaving) must match the person’s qualifications (weaving baskets).

Thus it is with our election. The job description (preserve, protect and defend the Constitution) must match the person’s qualifications. That’s it.
-The Purpose of Government
Now, on to the purpose of government. That is laid out very clearly in our Declaration of Independence (I highly recommend reading it, but after you finish reading this). Government’s has one main job - to protect the rights and liberties of its citizens. God gave us these rights, and our U.S. government was formed with the express purpose of securing these rights.
See? Very simple. Now you know more than the majority of people in Congress seem to know! And now that you know, it's time to find out which candidates line up with these qualifications - Click Here and get ready to be enlightened.

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