Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bonner County Primary Elections - Voter's Guide

I’ll be honest, local elections are not nearly as exciting as national elections. There’s a lot less coverage, a lot less social media buzz, and generally a lot less interest. However, this is a backwards way of looking at things.
Local politics impact you and your family much more directly than do national politics, often without you even realizing it. Property taxes and some sales taxes are decided on the local level. Zoning laws and restrictions that direct what you can build and where are decided on the local level. Law enforcement and the tone of the police and sheriff departments are decided on the local level.
State and national elections are also very important but we must not overlook the importance of the local elections.
Something else that cannot be overlooked is the vital importance of your vote. Voting is a privilege and a responsibility. It is why we have a republican form of government, so that you and I can chose who will represent us. Our values, what we believe in, will never be represented in government if we do not participate in the process by voting.
Not only that, but especially in local elections, your vote counts in a big way. Last election cycle, a very conservative candidate lost to a very liberal candidate by less than 200 votes. The margins of victory are smaller than you may realize and your vote can be the difference necessary to see the correct principles advanced in our 

First, I’m going to list (for brevity’s sake) the races and the different candidates for each. My pick will be marked in blue. Scroll down past the short list to read my reasoning. I’ve done a lot of research and would not be putting this out there if I didn’t believe that these were the best candidates that we 

Unsure where to vote? Find your polling place 

Want to do your own research? May I strongly recommend checking out Project Vote Smart. They have tons of non-partisan, unbiased information on all current state and federal elected leaders.

Bonner County Commissioner - District 

- Todd Sudick (incumbent) (R) 

- Jeff Connolly (R)

Bonner County Commissioner - District 3

- Dan McDonald (R) 

- Lewis (Lewie) Rich (R)

Bonner County Sheriff 

- Daryl Wheeler (incumbent) (R) 

- Terry G. Ford (R)

Legislative District #1

State Senator
-Shawn Keough (R)
-Glenn Rohrer (R)
State Representative, Position A
-Heather Scott (R)
State Representative, Position B
-Bob Vickaryous (D)
-Sage Dixon (R)

Legislative District #4

State Senator

-Kristi Milan (D)

-Patrick Mitchell (D)

-Mary Souza (R)

State Representative, Position A

-Arthur Macomber (R)

-Luke Malek (R) (incumbent)

State Representative, Position B

-Tom Hearn (D)

-Paul Amador (R) 

-Kathleen Sims (R)

Legislative District #7

State Senator

-Ken Meyers (D)

-Sheryl Nuxoll (R) 

State Representative, Position A

-Priscilla Giddings (R)

-Shannon McMillan (R) (incumbent)

State Representative, Position B

-Paul Shepherd (R) Incumbent.

-Kris Steneck (R)

United States Senator

-Mike Crapo (R)

United States Representative - District #1

-Shizandra Fox (D)
-Staniela Nikolova (D)
-James Piotrowski (D)
-Isaac Haugen (R)
-Raul Labrador (R)

United States Representative - District #2

-Lisa Marie (R)

-Mike Simpson (R)

Idaho Supreme Court Justice

To Succeed: Jim Jones
-Curt McKenzie
-Clive J. Strong
-Robyn Brody
-Sergio Gutierrez

-Detailed Explanations:

Bonner County Commissioner - District 2

- Todd Sudick (incumbent) (R) Mr. Sudick was not my first choice when he ran the first time, however in the last several years he has grown into the commissioner position and gained a better understanding of the need for small government and increasing liberty.

- Jeff Connolly (R) Mr. Connolly does not seem to have much of an interest in decreasing the influence of the federal government in county issues. This attitude would not be in the best interest of Bonner County.

Bonner County Commissioner - District 3

- Dan McDonald (R) I have personally met and spoken with Mr. McDonald and I believe he has a solid handle on the issues and is grounded in freedom and Constitutional principles. I believe he will do an excellent job serving Bonner County as commissioner.

- Lewis (Lewie) Rich (R) As a past member of the Bonner County board of commissioners, Mr. Rich has a past and sadly many have developed a negative view regarding his trustworthiness. Past actions have also shown that making government smaller is not one of his priorities.  

Bonner County Sheriff 

- Daryl Wheeler (incumbent) (R) Sheriff Wheeler understands the role of a constitutional sheriff and believes strongly in protecting the rights of the citizens of his county. His strong stance on and deep understanding of the 2nd Amendment recommends him highly to the citizens of Bonner County.

- Terry G. Ford (R) There are some big concerns regarding Mr. Ford’s understanding of the 2nd Amendment, one of every citizen’s foundational rights. It’s a pretty basic concept that every leader we consider should understand fully.

Legislative District #1

State Senator
-Shawn Keough (R) A brief look at Ms. Keough’s voting record is ample evidence of her “un-conservative” convictions. For instance, Senator Keough voted against SB 1165, a bill that outlawed abortions after 20 weeks. She also voted against SB 1387 that requires women to have an ultrasound before having an abortion. She has made claims to being “strongly pro-life,” but as the old saying is - actions speak louder than words. Her votes against these measures that have been proven to reduce the number of abortions is unconscionable. The government’s job is to protect our God-given, inalienable rights and the first of those rights is “life.” If a politician is anti-life, they are anti-liberty and therefore have no business pretending to “protect” our other rights.
The Idaho Freedom Foundation rates candidates based on their votes throughout the session and rates them based on their “Freedom Index”. Senator Keough has consistently scored poorly on every issue from life to the economy. And sadly this year was no different from past years.
-Glenn Rohrer (R) Website All indications are that Mr. Rohrer understands the need for smaller government and abiding by the Constitution. He has solid positions on the state’s role (or rather, lack thereof) in business. Mr. Rohrer is a believer in the 2nd Amendment and claims to be pro-life. With a limited record, all we have to go on is his campaign rhetoric at this point, however Mr. Rohrer is the obvious choice when compared to his opposition.
State Representative, Position A
-Heather Scott (R) My vote would go wholeheartedly go to Representative Scott. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her and was extremely impressed by her knowledge, passion and vision. She is by far the obvious choice for this office and it is my desperate prayer that she is re-elected. We need people like her in Boise! Her voting track record has been superb and she has fearlessly stood up to the status-quo and been unmoving in her dedication to Idaho’s people and the Constitution.
State Representative, Position B
-Bob Vickaryous (D) No information regarding this candidate. I will state, however, that anyone who is willing to run on the Democratic ticket (which is an implied agreement with that party’s platform) needs to study up on the Constitution before they deserve a vote.
-Sage Dixon (R) Mr. Dixon is the obvious choice for this position. He takes strong positions on important issues such as reducing the size of government and protecting individual rights. He is very knowledgeable and argues his positions not by opinion but by what our Constitution actually says. Sage Dixon being in the Idaho House has been a tremendous benefit to all Idahoans. He has remained true to his word and has proven it over and over again that he means what he says.

Legislative District #4

State Senator

-Kristi Milan (D) There is little information on this candidate’s website and what is there is not very detailed or informative. Her main drive seems to be education and more funding for public schools. 

-Patrick Mitchell (D)  No information regarding this candidate. I will state, however, that anyone who is willing to run on the Democratic ticket (which is an implied agreement with that party’s platform) needs to study up on the Constitution before they deserve a vote.

-Mary Souza (R) Website The Senator has a pretty decent record in the Senate and just this year was a co-sponsor of legislation put forward by Idaho Right to Life. She is also rated highly by the NRA for her pro-2nd Amendment stance. Her goal is to stop common core and move Idaho out of the Obamacare exchanges and to a free market solution.

State Representative, Position A

-Arthur Macomber (R) Website Mr. Macomber takes a strong stand on abortion and believes in life at conception. He is also for taking all state funding out of abortion which is a good thing. His position on the 2nd Amendment is mostly solid, my only concern is his caveat concerning mental health. Mr. Macomber is adamantly against opposed to Obamacare and the state exchange and believes that helping those in need is the responsibility of the individual and not the government. I also like the he holds the position that Idaho needs to get off the federal dole and become fiscally responsible. He’s good on education and anti-Common Core.

-Luke Malek (R) (incumbent) Some major concerns have developed with Representative Malek. His website talks a good game but his voting record has been far less than stellar. The biggest blot by far is his vote for Obamacare exchanges in Idaho. Another was his opposition to the “permitless carry” issue.

State Representative, Position B

-Tom Hearn (D) After viewing his mostly unhelpful website I found that Mr. Hearn agrees with “most, not all,” of the Idaho Democratic Platform. He failed to specify what exactly he disagrees with.

-Paul Amador (R) Most of Mr. Amador’s positions seem to be mostly solid, but again, without a record all we have to go on is his word. However, he seems to understand the proper role of government and emphasizes the need for government to “get out of the way” of business. His position on the 2nd Amendment is good aswell. My main concern is his lack of specificity especially in the areas of healthcare and education. 

-Kathleen Sims (R) With a 97% from the Idaho Freedom Foundation, Representative Sims comes highly recommended. She has co-sponsored several pro-life pieces of legislation and voted against Obamacare in Idaho. She’s also solid on the 2nd Amendment and has had a very good voting record during her time in the House.

Legislative District #7

State Senator

-Ken Meyers (D) The limited amount of information on this candidate makes it hard to decipher what his political beliefs actually are.

-Sheryl Nuxoll (R) Senator Nuxoll was a co-sponsor of the bill that gave Idaho permitless carry, has been rated a rare 100% by the Idaho Conservative Union, and has co-sponsored pro-life legislation. Her record is admirable and I hope to see her return to the Senate next year.

State Representative, Position A

-Priscilla Giddings (R) Ms. Giddings background is military and recently she “volunteered as an aide in the Idaho State Senate during the entire 2015 session. She was invited to go to Washington D.C. and help lobby for education programs that countered Planned Parenthood. After the legislative session ended, she accepted a position with U.S. Senator Mike Crapo as his Idaho campaign field director.” Judging from the information on her website, Ms. Giddings understands the proper role of government and the supremacy of the Constitution. She also gets the need to reduce the tax burden on Idaho and the importance of making sure our balanced budget law is followed. I like her stance on opening up Idaho’s lands that are currently federally controlled. My main reason for not picking Ms. Giddings is her lack of experience. Although I’d recommend keeping an eye on her in the coming years if she stays involved in Idaho politics.

-Shannon McMillan (R) (incumbent) Representative McMillan has been a strong conservative voice in the Idaho House. This last year she co-sponsored a bill that allowed the use of the Bible in schools and pro-life legislation. She got a 96% rating from the IFF and 93% from the NRA. My main reason for picking Rep. McMillan is her level of experience. It’s quite refreshing to realize that you really can’t lose either way in an election! 

State Representative, Position B

-Paul Shepherd (R) Incumbent. Representative Shepherd's previously conservative record has been taking a downward slide in the last several years. While on several core issues he has stayed strong, he has cast votes on several occasions that have, at the best not shrunk government, and at the worst, have encouraged its growth and overreach.

-Kris Steneck (R) Ms. Steneck is new to politics but not to the Constitution and what is at the core of American principles. While I do not share all her views, she is very pro-life, 2nd Amendment, small government and individual liberty.

United States Senator

-Mike Crapo (R) Unopposed. A 0% from NARAL and 0% from Planned Parenthood Action Fund, 100% from National Right to Life, a strong record of protecting the 2nd Amendment, a defender of traditional marriage...and the list goes on. Let’s put this guy back in Washington.

United States Representative - District #1

-Shizandra Fox (D) Ms. Fox is currently from California and apparently will be moving to Idaho if elected…? Unsure on that point. However, a brief perusal of her Facebook page demonstrates she is not a serious candidate and holds many out of the ordinary beliefs.
-Staniela Nikolova (D) Ms. Nikolova lacks positions on key issues such as the proper role of government, the Constitution, the 2nd Amendment and most importantly this issue of life. Her position on healthcare seem to indicate that she does not feel it goes far enough and should not be defunded or repealed.
-James Piotrowski (D) Mr. Piotrowski’s decision to run was based mainly on Representative Labrador calling for Idaho to have control over federal lands within the state. He stated that was the “final straw”. He views Labrador as extreme, which in today’s watered down society of ultra-liberal ideology, I guess you could say he is - extremely Constitutional.
-Isaac Haugen (R) No information on this candidate except that he is also currently from California. Idaho may want to look at that rule.
-Raul Labrador (R) Rep. Labrador is one of the founding members of the Freedom Caucus that was instrumental is outing Speaker Boehner. This group of conservative representatives has been very active and effective in stopping bad legislation. Rep. Labrador is strongly pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment. He understands the role of government and has shown a dedication to his beliefs.

United States Representative - District #2

-Lisa Marie (R) No information on this candidate except that she apparently was planning on running for president. Apparently she decided to lower her sights slightly.
-Mike Simpson (R) Representative Simpson has done an excellent job representing Idaho in D.C. His strong stance on life, the 2nd Amendment are exactly what is generally lacking in our nation’s capitol. I would be remiss, however if I did not point out his recent vote for the omnibus spending bill that completely funded Obamacare, the refugee program and Planned Parenthood. Patriots across the state were stunned at his vote and sorely disappointed. If there was a better candidate, Mr. Simpson would not be getting my vote. However, sadly in this race there is not another legitimate choice and we can only wait for the next election and, in the meantime, hope that Mr. Simpson learned from his mistake.

Idaho Supreme Court Justice

To Succeed: Jim Jones
-Curt McKenzie - Judicial elections can be tough to call since candidates generally steer clear of partisan issues due to the fact that they are required to not run as a member of a certain party. However, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” as the saying goes. Mr. McKenzie has received endorsements from Sage Dixon (a strong, conservative constitutionalist), Rush Fulcher, the NRA and (in my opinion, most importantly) Idaho Chooses Life. Mr. McKenzie has made it clear that he understands the Constitution and the proper role of the judiciary is to interpret, not make, law. Mr. McKenzie has served 7 terms in the Idaho Senate, demonstrating that his local constituents who know him best trust and respect him to keep his word.

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